VERA, DANNY Live Pressure Makes Diamonds 3LP
Płyta winylowa artysty Vera, Danny pod tytułem Live Pressure Makes Diamonds. Produkt pochodzi z legalnej, oficjalnej dystrybucji i jest fabrycznie nowy.
1. Born Again
2. The Outsider
3. Every Time
4. Oblivious Desire
5. Veins
6. Pompadour Hippie
7. You
8. Tomorrow Will Be Mine
9. Fallen King
10. Pressure Makes Diamonds
1. Ghost
2. Distant Rumble
3. Roller Coaster
4. Next Night Flight
5. Expandable Time
6. Honey South
7. Snow In April
8. L.O.V.E.
9. Bye Bye Eddie
10. Higher and Higher
1. Born Again
2. The Outsider
3. Every Time
4. Oblivious Desire
5. Veins
6. Pompadour Hippie
7. You
8. Tomorrow Will Be Mine
9. Fallen King
10. Pressure Makes Diamonds
11. Ghost
12. Distant Rumble
13. Roller Coaster
14. Next Night Flight
15. Expandable Time
16. Honey South
17. Snow In April
18. L.O.V.E.