VA Night of the Living Dead 2LP
Płyta winylowa artysty VA pod tytułem Night of the Living Dead. Produkt pochodzi z legalnej, oficjalnej dystrybucji i jest fabrycznie nowy.
1. Opening Drive
2. Walking To The Grave
3. Attacked
4. Flight From The Cemetery
5. Refuge
6. Trophy Room
7. The Clothesline
8. Dead Connection / Corpse On The Stairs / Ben Arrives
9. Panic
10. Blood From The Landing
11. Smashing The Headlight
12. Tire Iron Attack
13. Don't Look At It!""
14. Back Porch Bonfire
15. Searching The House
16. The Music Box
17. Boarding Up The House
18. Knocked Out
19. Fireplace And Torch
20. Lounge Chair Bonfire
21. The Cellar Door
22. Finding The Rifle
23. Ben Comforts Barbra
24. Cleaning Upstairs
25. New Arrivals
26. Attack At The Window
27. Grasping Hands
28. Ghouls Approach The House
29. Down To The Cellar
30. Up From The Cellar
31. Escape Plan
32. Tom And Judy
33. Unboarding
34. Molotov Cocktails
35. Escape From The House
36. Truck Escape
37. Truck On Fire
38. Feeding Frenzy
39. Lights Out
40. Final Siege
41. Breakthrough
42. Helen's Death
43. Ghouls Overrun
44. Cellar Nightmare
45. The Posse
46. Bonfire
47. End Credits
48. Bonus Night Of The Living Dead 1968 Radio Spot