DOMINIK EULBERG Abendpfauenauge & Oleanderschwärmer 12"
Re-release of the record originally released on 2018-08-24!
Dominik Eulberg’s third EP on his label Apus apus features the track "Abendpfauenauge" (eng. Eyed hawkmoth) on the a side and "Oleanderschwärmer" (engl. Oleander hawkmoth) on the flip side. "Abendpfauenauge" brings together a romantic outlook as well as a rave quality through sequential tight knit melodies which enables the DJ to play the tune in the club. "Oleanderschwärmer" on the contrary is a dreamy and airy 15 minute epic that is a true fascinating listening experience. A. Abendpfauenauge The Eyed hawkmoth owes its name to the distinctive eye drawing on its hind wings. The bark-colored forewings provide perfect camouflage when resting on tree trunks during the day. In case of a disturbance, it pulls the forewings up jerkily. The moth now gives off the appearance of a face that suddenly stares at the troublemaker. Forward and backward swinging movements of the body intensify this threatening effect. B. Oleanderschwärmer With its incredible colors, the Oleander hawkmoth is a symbol of tropical beauty. It rarely flies into our fields as a migratory butterfly. With a wingspan of up to 13 centimeters, it is a true "Jumbo". It's flying style is similar to that of hummingbirds. It reaches speeds of up to 50 km/h. It’s proboscis, the tubular mouthpart used for feeding on the nectar of flowers, becomes as long as its body.
B Oleanderschwärmer 15:17