Available discounts

Threshold discount
Calculated from the value of products in a basket. Discount does not sum up with other discounts.
Orders beyond
Discount value
93,24 €
4 %
139,86 €
6 %
186,48 €
8 %
Cumulative discount
Calculated from the value of products purchased in the last 365 days. Discount does not sum up with other discounts.
Orders beyond
Discount value
233,11 €
5 %
466,21 €
6 %
699,32 €
7 %
932,42 €
8 %
1 165,53 €
9 %
IdoSell Trusted Reviews
4.93 / 5.00 23375 reviews
IdoSell Trusted Reviews
Good service, good prices, I was satisfied.
Great purchase